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Swell. A Year Of Waves / Pd.


ISBN: 9781452105932
Editorial: Chronicle Books
Tema: Artes, Bellas Artes Y Artes Decorativas
Subtema: Fotografia
Número de páginas: 144
Año de edición: 2023
Medidas: 25.40 cm x 23.50 cm

Wave watchers around the world know that no two waves are the same. Yet each and every wave that rises, peaks, and crashes onto the beach is generated by a much larger force originating thousands of miles away. Surf journalist team Evan Slater and Peter Taras capture the essence of waves and the swells that produce them in this breathtaking collection of wave photography. Slater characterizes four distinct swells from different corners of the globe and traces their journeys throughout the year from storm to seashore. His reflective, informative essays amplify these powerful images of hundreds of waves frozen in time, beautiful, simple, universal, yet wholly unique—and the best thing to watch on the planet.

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