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Passages Full Contact 2. With Digital Pack / 3 Ed.

ISBN: 9781009040952
Editorial: Cambridge
Tema: Textos Escolares
Subtema: Texto Escolar Medio En Ingles U Otros Idiomas
Número de páginas: 250
Año de edición: 2024
Medidas: 28.00 cm x 21.00 cm

Passages, Third Edition, is the next generation of the highly popular and successful Passages franchise by Jack Richards and Chuck Sandy. This two-level, multi-skills course quickly and effectively moves adult and young-adult learners of English from the high-intermediate to advanced level. The fresh look, real-world content, all new video, and powerful new digital resources will ensure students remain highly engaged and motivated for success. Passages will open the door for students to communicate with greater proficiency, accuracy, and fluency through: • more sophisticated real-world grammar and vocabulary, • more thought-provoking discussions and academic writing activities, • more challenging listening and reading comprehension topics. Passages, Third Edition, provides an ideal follow-up for students who have completed beginning to intermediate-level courses, and works especially well as a sequel to Interchange Fourth Edition and Four Corners, two of the worlds most popular and successful courses for adult and young-adult learners of English.

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