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Strategic Reading 3 Students Book / 2 Ed.

$253.50 $845.00 70% Dto.
ISBN: 9780521281119
Editorial: Cambridge University Press
Tema: Textos Escolares
Subtema: Texto Escolar Medio En Ingles U Otros Idiomas
Número de páginas: 168
Año de edición: 2013
Medidas: 27.00 cm x 21.00 cm

Strategic Reading is a three-level series designed to develop reading, vocabulary-building, and critical-thinking skills. Strategic Reading Level 3 is a reading skills book that contains twelve thematic units, each with three high interest authentic readings. The readings are unsimplified and are appropriate for students at the low-advanced to advanced level. Exercise material surrounding the readings builds students' vocabulary and develops their reading and critical thinking skills.

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