Acuarela contemporánea In situ / 11 ed.

Acuarela contemporánea In situ / 11 ed.

Acuarela contemporánea In situ / 11 ed.


With a degree from the E.N.S.A.D in scenography in 2000, Marion Rivolier began with theater scenography. After an internship at the Louvre Museum, she collaborated with several agencies where she developed permanent (museums, entertainment trails, leisure parks) and temporary projects. At the same time, she started painting on the spot directly with a brush without preliminary sketches.She exhibits her work regularly in France. Marion has run the Urban Sketchers Paris collective since 2012, for which she develops cultural projects, particularly with the French charity Secours Populaire (winner of the Usk Community Grant Program in 2019), the CMN (Centre des monuments) and the Prison of Health. Since 2002, she has taught sketching at the School of Architecture in Marne-la-Vallée, France.


  • Editorial: HOAKI BOOKS
  • Año de edición: 2024
  • Materia Pintura
  • ISBN: 9788419220073
  • Páginas: 160
  • Encuadernación: RUSTICA

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