Focus - Écrits en situation + corrigés
$704.00 $880.00
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"Écrits en situation" looks at 23 situations from everyday life through 70 authentic documents and 350 practice exercises. The situations are divided into 6 themed dossiers: Mobilité, Hérbergement, Loisirs, Service, Emploi, Ecole. Learning is divided into 3 sections: J'observe, je lis, je comprends; Je m'entraîne; J'agis. J'observe, je lis, je comprends is a double-page with an exercises that introduces the context of the situation. This is followed by authentic documents and more in-depth comprehension exercises. These include exercises based in context and wider-reaching exercises. Je m'entraîne consists of exercises on sentence structure to learn vocabulary, grammaire and conjugation and exercises for students to discover new vocabulary themselves. J'agis is designed to take students from understanding a written document to writing their own French texts. All the new vocabulary is included at the end of each dossier together with a summary of the vocabulary. The written texts and answer key are included in a separate booklet.
